The new technologies of information and communication part of life of teenagers today. Therefore, teachers should consider their integration in the classroom always taking into account a number of objectives. Then we will present two decalogues, one on the relationship between ICT and education, and other related technology tools that we believe that every teacher should work with their students in the classroom.
ICT and education Decalogue
1. ICT has been taken to the field of education, then learning is required of them by teachers and students.
2. Consider ICT as a means and not as an end because the teacher is the mediator of the student and can never be replaced by the PC.
3. Using ICT should not be considered or planned as an alien or parallel action by regular education process. That is, the activities of computer use have to be integrated and consistent with the objectives and curriculum content being taught.
4. Webgraphy use will be guided by the teacher.
5. It will opt for a responsible and appropriate use of the content, services, tools and access to the information society and knowledge.
6. We will involve students in analysis and reflection that allows them to build their own learning.
7. ICTs strengthen the reception learning and facilitate the process of discovery learning.
8. ICTs should be used for both the individual work of each student and to develop collaborative learning processes between groups of students, both onsite and virtually.
9. By the time we bring the student to the computer room should be avoided improvisation. It is very important to have planned the time, tasks or activities, the groups students and the work process.
10. When planning a lesson, teaching unit, ICT project or activity must be explicit not only the objective and curriculum content, but also the type of competition or technological skill / informational promoted in students.
Decalogue tools
1. Blog: the blog can function as the class notebook because you can post topics, interactive activities, exercises, personal assessments, etc. but it certainly offers more advantages as it allows interaction between all. Furthermore, with this tool the teacher can continue to maintain contact with students outside the classroom.
2. Information search tools such as google: in the classroom must harness the wealth offered by these sources to investigate issues that concern our area.
3. Information processors, especially the Word, as a word processor that students must know for your own work, and Power Point as an option to supplement the explanations in the classroom.
4. Delicious: as a digital file of each student where they can be interesting pages storing your academic path.
5. Webquest: they are guided activities from which students may carry through digital displays.
6. Glogster: it is an attractive tool with which we can present an issue. In the GLOG can gather a cluster of resources of different types (text, audio, video, etc.) Spun by one central item.
7. Social networking as students are familiar with these networks, we can use them with an educational and issues as they arise in literary discussions, for example.
8. E-mails: the teacher must provide your email address to receive the students' work, correct them and answer questions.
9. LIM: This tool allows you to create multimedia interactive books consist of texts, games and more. certainly more motivating for students.
10. Google Docs: this tool should be used both for students and teachers to upload documents to the class blog.